When we become a believer we are a new and transformed person connect to our supreme being in a never before experienced manner. However, this is just the first stage in a lifelong journey to meaning, purpose and fulfillment. The rest of our live takes work, commitment and effort. In other words, we must be engaged and committed, persevering and dedicated to grow spiritually and as a consequence to receive all God has for us during our lifetime, to the very end. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self-control plus so much more. However we have an active role in the process that includes more than just listening to a message and drinking coffee afterwards…..no matter how enjoyable the coffee.
In wrestling with new ways to communicate both the why and the how of retirement thru Faithful for a Lifetime and Future Funded Ministry, we have tried to also convey the how’s of investing well and the how’s of managing a retirement plan. These seem to be simple ideas though they are hard to grasp for many. Or at least their lack of action towards addressing either the why or the how suggest that is the case.
Enrolling in a retirement plan can be compared to that initial step in our own personal spiritual journey. Enrolling however is like being “converted” to something you know is good and will help you and is part of your spiritual journey. Also knowing it is not the end of the journey, just the beginning. Unfortunately, just as in the spiritual journey of so many, this Future Funded Ministry funding journey is treated in a similar fashion.
We also acknowledge that so many either delay or will not take even that first step on the funding journey. And yes, it is just the first step in engaging with the process that will then produce the life changing results that allow us to be Faithful for a Lifetime. Being free to listen to what the Holy Spirit deposits in our heads, prompts in our hearts and strengthens our hands to perform. The honor and privilege that all who follow Jesus are called to be the heads, hearts and hands to build the kingdom is wonderful, though awesome responsibility.
We carry out that responsibility by being prepared. Part of that preparation is to realize the flexibility that comes when the funding is there.
A friend describes money as time in foldable form. Pretty insightful don’t you think? And for the believer time is ministry, impacting others, in motion. Pretty cool way to think, would you agree?
When we dig a little deeper into the retirement plan idea, the Future Funded Ministry idea, we see that being eligible for a plan is a gift from your employer, church, or ministry. However, engagement is a decision.…..your decision? Pretty important don’t you think?
The whole idea starts in the heart, moves to enrollment, and then to engagement. Heart and funding are two components that go together.
Hopefully you too are being prompted to think about both your spiritual journey and the funding mechanism that moves right alongside of it. As you have a few moments for reflection, let the Spirit of God guide those thoughts and prompt the actions that it suggests.
If you have story to share, we’d love to hear it.
As we journey together for a lifetime of faithful, rewarding and joyous times.
Bruce Bruinsma