Hope Deferred

Hope deferred makes the heart sick,but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 NIV When we attach meaning to life, it adds a whole series of new dimensions. Without meaning, no purpose; no purpose, no power; no power, no action; no action, no result. So...


In the last few blogs we’ve examined the value and importance of “meaning”. We’ve asked: What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of relationships? What is the meaning of the priorities that guide our decision making? I believe that the...

Getting Along The Way

Recently, a young man approached me at church and asked if we could meet. When I inquired the purpose, he said he was deeply committed to ministry but felt God had gifted him with business talents. He wondered if ministry and business could be combined and wanted to...

Perspective For A Lifetime

What does it mean to be called to a lifetime of ministry? Well, there is a common duty (or call) to all Christians to be ministers, to impact others and help to change lives. Yet, there is also an individual call to serve that is uniquely personal for each and...

Meaning Is The New Metric

At a recent conference I attended, the overarching message that emerged is meaning is the new metric. The Millennials are looking for it, and the rest of us need it. The age old question, “What is the meaning of life?” is now taking on a contemporary place...