The Green Dumpster

He sat straight up as I looked in on him. His black hair, tanned face and pointed beard were framed by the lid and sides of the green dumpster at the side of my office building. An 8-foot dumpster tucked into the slot between the side fence and the air conditioner...

The Key to Better Education

She was sitting next to me on a flight to San Francisco. We talked about kids and education. Then I asked her this question, “What is the single thing we could do to improve our education system in the U.S.?” Her answer surprised me. Recently I’d...

Engage Retirement

Nobody cares? Nobody listens? The sky is falling and no one is doing anything about it. Well, perhaps this is a little histrionic, yet there is some truth. Most adults are doing little or nothing about retirement yet they worry about it. Strange. You would think that...

Will You Have Enough Retirement Money?

Small walls, big problem. In my last blog I was lamenting the fact that so many people worry about not having “enough” for or in retirement, yet do nothing about it. It appears that there are barriers, walls to problem solution here. Let’s examine...

Should Christians Care About The Future?

Failure To EngagePart Two So many Christian workers ignore the money component of their lives. Why is that? The general topic has concerned me for a long time. When you add the “future” issue to the dialogue, the problem becomes even more pronounced. So I...