An Answer Without Context Is Useless

An answer to a question without context is not only useless, but dangerous. One of our key staff at Envoy, Dave McHenry, reminded me the other day of a maxim I’d shared with him some time ago, “An answer without context is useless.”We spent a few...

Enduring The Pain

Pain shows up in many different ways. Most of us try to avoid it. Some of us learn from it. We all experience it. Pain is as much a part of reality as joy and hope. How we chose to deal with pain impacts not only our lives, but those around us. We express a certain...

A New Meaning

What creates meaning in our lives? On an even higher plane, what is the meaning of life? Well, I’m not prepared to answer the latter question, but I am prepared to contemplate the process that creates meaning for us on a human level. Clearly our vertical...

The Depth of Meaning

What gives meaning to your life and mine? It is reasonable to assume, that because we are different, we have different life experiences, perceptions, and even DNA to both prepare us for and take us down different life paths. It also seems reasonable that that those...

Christmas, A Time of Meaning

It’s Christmas. For some a time of hustle, bustle and party. For some it is a time of reflection. I’ve noticed that those reflections aren’t the same for everyone. For some those events signal joy and happiness, for others sorrow and loneliness. The...