A Critical 48 Hours: Follow-Up

10 days ago our life took a dramatic turn. Within 48 hours Judy and I went from packed and ready to leave for Germany to open heart surgery. Now that was totally unexpected and a severe shock to both of us. I’ve often heard the phrase, “My world was turned...

An Amazing 48 Hours

As Judy fainted she called out to me. “Bruce, come quick.” It was Sunday morning about 7:30AM. We were dressed for church and packed for a trip to Germany. We were scheduled to leave on the 5:15PM Lufthansa flight from Denver to Frankfurt. I’d taken...

Guest Post: What is verifiable accountability?

Today we welcome Dan Busby, President of Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), to the blog. Please read on as Dan shares about verifiable accountability and why it is important in our churches and ministries. The biblical pattern for Christ-centered...

Connect With Your Future

In our prior post, we were challenged to tap into God’s wisdom for our lives on a regular basis. With that understanding and response to the challenges of life as we live it, how do we begin to think about that abundant future of meaning? Let’s explore...

Rethinking Your Future

Our ministry plays itself out through our actions. Our actions speak louder than our words or our thoughts. We serve our Lord, our employers and employees. We are dutiful to our families and we derive joy from the things we accomplish, the money we earn and our...