At key times in our lives, during the year and especially at the end of the year as we celebrate this key event in God’s master plan that makes possible our salvation, our thoughts turn to serious subjects.

One of the subjects  I’ve been reflecting on is:

What is God’s preferred purpose for my life?

From the perspective of someone in their 7th decade, I may think about it a little differently than someone in their third or fourth.

We have a mutual understanding that ministry means, changed lives.

So whose life am I yet called to impact during the balance of my 7th and 8th decade?

Each of us who claim the name of Jesus as Savior Each_of_us_is_a_unique_creation_of_God..pngand Lord, are called to make a difference. To make a difference by reflecting the nature of our God, demonstrated by His son Jesus, in the work that we do and the life that we lead. Our life direction and demonstration is communicated to us through the Bible and we are empowered by the active work of the Holy Spirit. 

This what we often refer to as our “daily walk with Jesus”. 

Recently I listened to a speaker describe the Holy Spirit as “Jesus without a body”. I found that unique description encouraging as it gave me a way to think of Jesus being with me every step of the way during the balance of my life’s journey and ministry. Having Him with me helps to drive out fear, encourage my actions, and find His creative solutions to the problems I’m confronted with regularly. It also brings me comfort and joy.

How about you?

Are you dedicated to making a difference?

Dedicated challenging those around you to walk confidently into God’s abundant plan for their lives in the future?

What is God’s preferred plan for your future?

Here are some thought starters:

  • Go to the world and preach the gospel
  • Love one another
  • Care for the widows, orphans and the needy
  • Reach out to the homeless
  • Use your talents to make a difference
  • Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul
  • Listen to Jesus as he speaks to you through the Holy Spirit

Each of us is a unique creation of God. Each of us are part of God’s redemptive plan for the world. 

Be blessed and be a blessing.