I just received an email from our Christian Leadership Alliance friends in Australia.  They are totally dedicated to helping their membership, and the Christian community at large, re-define retirement. 

They are approaching the issue from the angle of life’s “Fourth Quarter”.  I really like that.  They lead off their introduction to the issues this way:


“Have you paused to consider that the fourth quarter of your life may be the culmination of everything for which God has been preparing you?”

Now that is a thought and conversation starter if ever I heard one.  “What is the fourth quarter of your life”, you say?  That is the time from mid to late 60’s to the late 80’s and beyond.  The spearhead for this message, Gary Williams, is the National Director of Christian Ministry Advancement Ltd (incorporating Christian Management Australia).  They are so committed to addressing the need to re-define retirement for their members that they are bringing on a special staff member to give “boots on the ground” leadership to it.

As many of you know, the term Future Funded Ministry grew out of a pastor’s conference where I was speaking all the way back in 1994.  Since then God continues to incubate the idea in my mind.  All of the leadership and staff of Envoy Financial and the thousands who are  adopting this re-definition of retirement are actively following where it leads.

When God prompts a movement that  expands His Earthly Kingdom and impacts His Heavenly one, He will also provide the leadership, context and explosive growth of it.  I believe the time is now for the Future Funded Ministry movement to take shape, move forward and change lives.

With the notion that we are all “ministers” together, our greatest hope is in Christ Jesus and His plans for us that already exist.  Our preparation is now and in the past, and our impact in the future is compelling.  That impact may be tomorrow, next week, or next year.  Our service to the cause will extend for a lifetime…… all the way through the Fourth Quarter of our lives.

I am looking forward to connecting via Skype with Gary and his team this week.  I will also have the opportunity of  meeting them in person the following week at the Christian Leadership Alliance National Conference in Dallas.

shutterstock_322218581.jpgPlease pray with me and raise your hand if you are prompted to respond.  Pray for God’s blessing as we  in the U.S. and fellow believers around the world connect with a new perspective, a new vision of what it means to “minister for a lifetime”.  To minister in whatever capacity He calls us, wherever it leads us, fully prepared and without financial constraint.


Comment or call if prompted as God touches your heart, hands and mind about this “movement” that we call Future Funded Ministry…… a Fourth Quarter Calling.


Bruce Bruinsma

Trusted Advice along The Way.

A journey of a lifetime and for a lifetime.


Gary and his team are encouraged by the perspective and presentation of information about Future Funded Ministry to be found at www.FutureFundedMinistry.com