Part II: Meaning Is The New Metric

During the last few months we have examined the importance of having true meaning in and for our lives. Unless we connect our lives to a motivating meaning, we simply exist to work or play. Even if our intentions are good, both work and play will eventually become...

What is Retirement, Really?

What do you think of when you hear the word retirement? Where do you see yourself? What do you see yourself doing? Common Assumptions about Retirement Retirement is the dream of many men. When I retire, they say, I’ll have a place on the 14th hole, and every...

Changing Retirement: A New Perspective

Last time we took a look at common perceptions about retirement and began to challenge that how we’ve defined retirement in the past needs to change. Today let’s dig into why those definitions are not adequate and explore what purpose God might have for us...

Empty Nests Are Good Homes For Inspired Ministry

“Freedom!” they shouted as the last child went off to college. Freedom indeed. Yet, freedom from what and freedom to do what? Isn’t it amazing, how often we either look forward to certain time in our life or a new and different circumstance just...

What is Ministry, Really?

As Christians, we believe that we are challenged to use our unique gifts to give, teach, support and love for a lifetime; this is our crucible, where meaning and action intersect, and reveal part of God’s divine plan. The grace-filled outcome of this...